And don’t forget their obsession with putting those crystals on their chakras, with the most accurate definition of “chakra” coming from the 20th Century philosopher Joe Bob Briggs: “one of those places where if you hit it with a baseball bat, you die.”

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😆😆😆 I don't know who that man is but somebody give him a cookie.

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Oh, you’re in for some head explodey. https://joebobbriggs.com/ (I credit the second “Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In” column in the late great Dallas Times Herald as a major factor behind my writing career.)

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You're becoming a regular Ogden Nash.

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Sep 28Liked by Robin Wilding

The only way crystals can protect you is to put 'em in a sock and throw them like a shoe. Perfectly brilliant!

And the picture of the crystal Methodist in Florida. Yay!!

But I do like pink quartz.

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I love that you read the caption 😆😆

Pink quartz really is pretty.

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Ukulelelyte! Love it!

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Sep 28Liked by Robin Wilding

Afraid of Dawning Age, Woman Photoshops Googly Eyes Onto Crystals

Harmony and understanding / Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions / Golden living dreams of visions

MYSTIC CRYSTAL REVELATION / And the mind's true liberation

Aquarius. Aquarius ...


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👏 👏 👏 Bravo Eelbert, bravo!

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Sep 28Liked by Robin Wilding

I hear the music of the geodes 🎶♀️🎶

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😆😆😆 I heard it just reading that.

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Lol "shift mercury into Gatorade" I'm stealing that one 😂😂

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Awesome, let's spread it around hehe

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Sep 29Liked by Robin Wilding

Reminds of being a kid and went to field trip to museum that in gift store had crystals you’d could buy if you were sent with some money or your parents were chaperones.

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That is so accurate 😆

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I really wanted that crystal that some kid had, think I got one was a little older but think was a fake one or maybe kids wonders dies fast as we grow

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