This would make a great children's book!

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Sure lol, How to Scare Children, Vol I.

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Sep 10Liked by Robin Wilding

How I learned to stop worrying and love the end of us

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Yup, worrying is like a rocking chair--it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere.

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I was thinking of Dr Strangelove, the movie

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Oops, my bad, I missed the reference.

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Great movie, 1962. James Earl Jones was in it.

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Robin, that was both hilarious and terrifying. I groaned at a few of your puns, and felt smart when I got one of your references (Kobayshi Maru!). It is everything I could want in an article, thank you!💕

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Thanks so much Sheila! Those were the appropriate reactions hehe

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I was also terrifyingly amused. I don't know what to do with these feelings.

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Celebrate the end of the world?? 🎉

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I guess so! 🍻

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Sep 11Liked by Robin Wilding

There's no stopping people from overrunning and ruining the Earth. We are like mold in a leftovers food container in the fridge, we grow right to the edge and cover everything with our toxic waste.

The only thing that will stop humans from changing the climate irrevocably is to send someone back in time with some sort of doomsday weapon to kill all humans back in 1988, before CD's replaced cassette tapes. That was when the downfall REALLY began.

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I'm seriously hoping you never get your hands on a time machine 😆. Then again I wouldn't know the difference since I'd disappear at 5 years old.

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🤣🤣🤣 Tim! I just fell off my chair laughing at this ray of sunshine!

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Hackers wrecking our communications systems has a higher chance. My sister lived outside ft Bragg and they had some assholes taken out their power grid. It was absolute chaos for 5 days.

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That's true. Like that Die Hard movie with Justin Long as the hacker where they had the 'fire sale'.

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Why save billions? I know why not? Imagine a zombie 🧟‍♀️ apocalypse if you think about if all the medicine 💊 get tainted. We have our addictions right before us. I’m about to make some healthy food to eat. Lucky for that. My company is on. WiFi good looking out but I’d like a back dial up connection, think that’s government access now. Dial up.

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It sounds like you're fairly ready for the apocalypse hehe

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Or on the other hand, one of those super stable countries with nukes could just blow an EMP in the atmosphere and wreck all the electronics thus incapacitating all the computers we rely on the run virtually everything. How much fun would that be ? 🤔

(I really need to stop reading those apocalyptic novels....🙄)

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I hadn't even considered EMPs! Please keep reading those novels, they're far more exciting than our reality most days (yesterday I figured out that I have a favorite brand of toilet paper and threw my back out sneezing).

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Yeah, they are. Survivalists, preppers, the unprepared, chaos and running out of everything, crumbling cities - it goes on and on. There's an apocalypse scenario for everyone ! What's your favorite disaster ? Zombies, plagues, radiation poisoning....🙄😳

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Fun read, Robin! 😨😩🤣

I wish I could respond with an image. Doing my own existential crisis thing, I grabbed one of my rubbing rocks. You know - those stones people carried in their pockets and fidgeted with when they were anxious back in the prehistoric days (1990?) Except mine are older. I've moved several small rocks probably twenty times since I was a kid. Yep - from the volcano hill outside a childhood home. Between the scoria and vesicular basalt, and the "fool's gold" iron pyrite, I needed a reminder that the world is flaky, hard, and sometimes deceiving, but also strangely beautiful. Sledding down volcano hills is fun - unless it's new ash from Mount St Helens, then it messes up the drains. Yeah, that girl was a real ash hole.

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Well I, for one, will be sitting around a dinner table paying attention to what matters when that day comes. Think...the last 10 minutes of the movie, Don't Look Up. Your entire post had me thinking of that movie.

And PS: I KNEW that was you sledding down the volcano before I even read it lol. And weirdly, I wasn't even shocked 😂

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