Excellent!! I just learned about a hundred or more new words for genital parts! You are extremely gifted, lady. At my age I would add a lot of gassy adjectives. And worse. Don't let that discourage you. I am sure your whoopsy do's will be just fine. Bon appetit!
Ha, I’m so glad your new guy actually reads your articles so that he is aware about 1 billion people are watching. 😁
As a very long time, married woman, the only advice I can give you is to remind you that at heart, most men are still 14-year-old boys at heart, and all they can think is, “OMG there’s a lady in my bed.”
It’s going to be great, and you’re gonna have an awesome time. Don’t forget the lube. 💕
Referring to celibacy as involuntary and accidental implies there is a possibility that there are purposeful celibates. Maybe you can write about those sociopaths next!
You can get a job at the Urban dictionary. 😂😂😂 I’m thrilled for you that soon you will be able to Fibber Magee to your Molly. (That play on words wasn’t even from my era.) Enjoy!
you are such a wonderfully honest, hilarious, brave and vulnerable righter. Good news, bad news, strange news, or just whimsy, you bring sunshine (with a touch of shade) like a rainbow reflecting new angles. Always gets me thinking or feeling or both and cheers me up for the rest of the day.
Excellent!! I just learned about a hundred or more new words for genital parts! You are extremely gifted, lady. At my age I would add a lot of gassy adjectives. And worse. Don't let that discourage you. I am sure your whoopsy do's will be just fine. Bon appetit!
If you have gassy adjectives, do share--it might inspire a piece 🤣
On it!
"bald-headed giggle stick" = priceless. Do you keep lists of these gems as they occur to you??
Yes. I have multiple lists, one for vagina, penis, sex, solo sex, boobs, and bras.... so far 😆
I call it 'dedication to my craft' but really it's just a weirdo hobby.
I deem it a vital cultural contribution.
You're not the only one who's floored by the sheer volume of these she comes up with.
It’s just like riding a bike. Without a seat.
😆😆😆 That's brilliant. I may use that in an upcoming piece.
I have lots of suggestions,
but I think I will show superwoman strength and just giggle.
🤣 Solid choice. Also, you have more willpower than me.
I’m trying to come up with a comment - give me a minute or ten. 🤣
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Be default, I have to start each comment with 4 laughing emojis.
This is hilarious mostly because it reminds me of ME. My last time was in 2019 so my number must be in the 300s by now. Who has that kind of time?
You'll do a great job getting back on the horse because for sure it's a horse...look at the size of his hands.
I don't wanna add to your math...but it's more than that 😆.
His hands entirely eclipse mine, it's pretty hilarious. But also....yeah 😆
Not to worry, dear friend. I am sure it will all “come” back to you in time…!
I think it will too, but thanks for the reassurance James :)
Ha, I’m so glad your new guy actually reads your articles so that he is aware about 1 billion people are watching. 😁
As a very long time, married woman, the only advice I can give you is to remind you that at heart, most men are still 14-year-old boys at heart, and all they can think is, “OMG there’s a lady in my bed.”
It’s going to be great, and you’re gonna have an awesome time. Don’t forget the lube. 💕
It's only about 2K...but still haha.
That's good advice about 'omg there's a lady in my bed'. Very comforting :)
*Takes notes--don't forget lube.
Referring to celibacy as involuntary and accidental implies there is a possibility that there are purposeful celibates. Maybe you can write about those sociopaths next!
Hmmm..purposeful celibates? I think I could stand envoking the 'wrath' of monks. But maybe not the priests. 🤣
You’d be fine with the priests, you’re an adult female
Everyone needs pillowing, clears the mind, makes you feel good
Agreed hehe
😂😂😂 I think you both will ZZ Top just fine.
The euphemism tsunami...
...I can't breathe.
😆 Mission accomplished then.
I'm glad that, in my own small way, I could be of assistance.
You can get a job at the Urban dictionary. 😂😂😂 I’m thrilled for you that soon you will be able to Fibber Magee to your Molly. (That play on words wasn’t even from my era.) Enjoy!
I'll keep an eye out for a job offer from them.
Fibber Magee to your molly--I hadn't heard of that one, nice 😆😆
no doubt you'll figure this out.
might be a little tender for some rough play.
i can think of a way you can keep things comfortable.
plus - you have 13 vibrators than can be part of the playfulness & intimacy.
😆😆 Sure, we'll keep pretending I have the prime number 13 of them .
You have a fixation on those 13 vibrators, don't you? LOL
😆😆 Yes.
you are such a wonderfully honest, hilarious, brave and vulnerable righter. Good news, bad news, strange news, or just whimsy, you bring sunshine (with a touch of shade) like a rainbow reflecting new angles. Always gets me thinking or feeling or both and cheers me up for the rest of the day.
Aww that's so kind and beautiful--thanks Mishtu! :)
Jump right on that, dearie! 😜❤️🔥
Will do! 😆