So fantastic! I laughed out loud through the entire read. Ditto. and beyond being a creative piece, if we could and would each hold up the mirror and dare stare into our own eyes and tell the truth, oh how much more beautiful a world this would be! Love You!

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I hear ya

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Utterly delightful!

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And the most unused, ugly and godawfulwhythehelldidIeverbuythat stuff breeds like cockroaches in dark places.

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You definitely need to track down that dude and interview him.

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Just a uncalled for suggestion……write a book of poems…..for dummies like me (I’ve never appreciated them until now). You’ve got the talent to do it……wonderful reading, funny but also very well written…..intelligent but simple! Thanks again for what you do!!!

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I am pretty sure that having a junk drawer classifies one as a real adult. Also, my nightstand is a nightmare. You are not alone Robin! This was brilliant, another tour de force of poetry.💕

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Funny, and yet poignant

I will repost with a note that strays afield and at length

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I had to remind myself what a docent is.

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You would make an exceptionally decent docent walking me through the secret treasure holds in my life.

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OMG! I totally didn't think of looking in my junk war for my Soul. I finally found it! Thank you! 😄

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So, SO delightful -- and reassuring. Whatever you do, never toss out the clown nose.

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